Global Patent Annuity Fees Payment Agency Co.,Ltd(IP ANTS) was
founded. Nowadays,there are 2 partners and 35 IP experts in our company.



Global Annuity Management System V1.0 was developed



Global Annuity Management System V2.0 was developed
And Chinese Trademark Renewal System V1.0 was developed



Chinese Trademark Application System V1.0 was developed



Global Annuity Management System V3.0 was developed
Chinese Industrial Design Application System V1.0 was developed
Chinese Trademark Appraisal System V1.0 was developed



Overseas Trademark Renewal System V1.0 was developed
Accumulatted with rich experience in global annuity payment involving
over 100 countries worldwide during the 14 years, IP ANTS has
grown up as a comprehensive third-party platform in Intellectual
Property Industry.

Tel: +86-10-84505596 E-mail: pat-annuity@hqht-online.com

Copyright @  Global Patent Annuity Fees Payment Agency Co., Ltd.